Wednesday, March 26, 2008

SInful Stuffed Mushrooms (Garlic)

Well, if you love mushrooms (and even if you don't) you have GOT to try these babies. Oh, man. If you make them for an appetizer you can guarantee eating at least 5 - 8 of them yourself and forget about the entree. You'll be so stuffed that only a shoehorn will force anything else into your mouth. Get the idea?'s the do da:

  • Japanese bread crumbs
  • LOTS of garlic (are you sensing a theme on this blog?) separated and peeled (not minced)
  • heaving whipping cream (Per the cream, I use enough to make the mixture moist and hold the crumbs together but not soggy or runny. The recipe that makes 4 - 6 servings calls for 1 cup along with 1 cup of the bread crumbs. So, a good ratio of bread crumbs to cream is 1:1.)
  • salt
  • button or cremini mushroom (remove stems - washing optional )
  • Olive oil
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 450 F
Heat whipping cream and garlic in a small pan (low not burn!) until garlic is soft enough to mash (about 20 - 30 minutes). Stir in salt and bread crumbs and mix.

Brush mushroom edges with olive oil and fill with garlic cream.

Bake until just brown (about 10 - 15 minutes). Remove from oven and let sit. Sprinkle with pepper, serve, and stand back for the applause!

1 comment:

Suzi said...

These were awesome- and amazingly easy to make!